Sunday, July 12, 2009

What vitamins should a man take to boost fertility?

My husband and I have been ttc for 3 months now and no luck. My husband doesn't take any vitamins and doesn't seem to ejaculate as much fluid as some of the men I have been with in the past. He is only 28. Because we haven't been ttc for very long, I don't want to assume there is a problem. I take Esther C and prenatal vitamins but have had a history of mild cervical dysplasia resulting in many colposcopies over the past 4 years. I also take antidepressants. Our plan is to keep trying and if nothing happens by Christmas we will consider testing. But in the meantime what can we do?

What vitamins should a man take to boost fertility?
Have you checked out the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"? It's a great guide. It talks about figuring out when a woman ovulates and how to take advantage of that information.

Also, look into the TTC board on WebMD. They have a lot of different hints. There's even a chat and bulletin board where you can post questions.

He needs to be sure he's getting a diverse diet. Exercise regularly. Make sure he's at a healthy weight. Don't smoke. Don't drink. No drugs. Keep the boys cool - no briefs, hot tubs, etc. Take a regular vitamin. No antibiotics. Have sex every other day and avoid masturbation. Drink plenty of water - water increases the amount of semen but not sperm.

You should be taking a regular vitamin with extra folic acid. Also, make sure your antidepressant is suitable to get pregnant on. Rules have changed recently.

Good luck.
Reply:there are a number of pills he could take
Reply:Folic acid and B12 will get things moving for him .
Reply:Give him Zinc this will help
Reply:vitamin c to get his tang

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