Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you think Obama would be good president?

Especially with the S.C Boost off the charts. " well, not literally " but still pushed him ahead of Clinton. He to me sounds like an honest man, with a great head on his shoulders, and a sense of serious humor as well, not to be taken lightly I presume? anyway's alot of people at first thought he was blowing alot of " hot air " but I think differently now, I feel he is going to be a pretty cool president, and will have at least a heart for the people suffering, and hurting in society. I think he will help reduce gas prices, and medical cost, and boost the economy back up to par. What's your opinion?

Do you think Obama would be good president?
I don't trust anybody endorsed by the Kennedy's
Reply:Possibly. I dont think we will actually pick the pres. though. The people with the power choose things like that now, not us. I will still vote (Go Ron Paul!!) though I think this country has fallen so far into the hands of the Illuminati that our votes dont matter quite so much anymore. Obama is pretty cool, i just hope hes not truly a muslim in christian clothing. 5 years of muslim school when you are an adolesent can have a major impact on you.
Reply:No ,but t I am a Republican,But he is jest to wind blown for me.But a way better choice then Hillery,now she scares me .
Reply:He has the wisdom, temperament, humility, and the "gravitas" of an elder statesman that makes him an excellent leader.

As for experience, he has over 20 years of experience regarding law, both teaching it and crafting it.
Reply:I think anybody--anybody--is gotta be better than Bush.
Reply:Kennedy's endorsement may have been the kiss of death for him. Too many independents just don

't like Kennedy.

No doubt he's very bright, but president, I don't know.
Reply:Obama seems like a nice guy, but, hey, I'M a nice gal. And yet, I don't presume to think that I would be a good (let alone a great) President. You need better credentials than a winning personality to be a great President.
Reply:No. And the SC boost wasn't "off the charts". It was less than a 5% difference from Hillary.

I'd say that you will have change your assumptions of who will win after next week. The Dem candidate will be Hillary.

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