Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Please please fill this survey(for school project)?

they r starting from ques 6...

plz plz plz answer

6) Which form of communication do you usually use when you chat with your friends? (If you selected "Call" as your answer, ignore Question 7 and continue with Question 8. If you selected "SMS" as your answer, proceed on to Question 7.)



7. If you chose SMS for Question 6, how many SMS do you send per month ? (Proceed on with the survey after this question.)

a)Less than 100



d)600 or more

8. What capabilities of a mobile phone would you eye for? (Please choose the most appropriate answer.)

a)Voice clarity

b)Ability to store MP3 and images

c)Bluetooth and connectivity tools

d)High megapixel camera

9. What aspects of mobile phones make you think that it is important? (Please choose the most appropriate answer.)

a)For emergency calls and related purposes

b)Able to boost your social image

c)Help to organise important stuff in your mobile phones

Please please fill this survey(for school project)?
6. a

8. a

9. a
Reply:6) SMS

7) c. 300-600

8) a) but i actually choose a phone based on its design

9) a)



Reply:6. B

7. D

8. D

9. A
Reply:6. a

8. a

9. a

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