Thursday, July 9, 2009

Can I substitute Emer'gen-c for Gatorade while going on a long run?

The Emer'gen-c is that fizzing powder you mix with your water and it's said to have a natural energy boost to it. Or should I just stick to the Gatorade?

Can I substitute Emer'gen-c for Gatorade while going on a long run?
Beware of marketing claims. There's lots of unproven hype with many of these products.

I'd avoid Emer'gen-c. On a long run you want hydration and energy. That means water, electrolytes and some carbohydrates, Emer'gen-c does not provide much in electrolytes or carbohydrates and is loaded with vitamins that are unnecessary. Personally, I'd overdose on the vitamins on a long run. One 6 oz serving has 500% of several B vitamins.

There are lot's of forumulas that contain the water, electrolytes and carbohydrates you need. The most important thing is to find one that tastes good to you and sits well in your stomach. If you don't like Gaterade, try Powerade, Gu2O or any of the many sports drinks designed for runners.

One reason to at least train occasionally with Gaterade is that it is the sports drink provided in many marathons. Unless you are planning to carry or provide your own sports drink, you may have to drink it in a race.
Reply:oooh ... what i do sometimes is put the emergen-c in the gatorade.. but that's just me... emergen-c is healthier and makes you more energetic....
Reply:gatorade is acually not very good for u. theres a ton of sodium and other stuff in it, so ur supposed to drink it after u run, or drink alcohal. emergen c is good tho.
Reply:i wouldn't go with gatorade, it has salt in it and makes your mouth dry but i have never run w/ a drink w/ me i always wait until i get back and drink lots of ice cold water :)

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